But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.
My anorexic best friend in denial didn't forget to offer me his cigarettes, and we watched Monster (which I didn't like) and Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas (Veronica Magazine: "Eigenlijk hoop je de hele film dat die twee klerelijers snel bezwijken aan een overdosis, maar helaas."), which was a trip cultfilm if I've ever seen one. I thought the one I watched with Tad on 28 September, Party Monsters, was one of the worst I'd ever seen, but this beats it. We switched to the channel about halfway through the film, and had no, no idea what it was about. You'd have to be as stoned and high and fried and drunk as them to really understand it, but after half an hour I started to get the drift, despite being clean and sober. Then again, Bauhaus night and day, awake and asleep has taught me to get the right stoned mindset for these kind of things.
Then I got home and in the evening Dangrts was talking to me on Gmail, working on NaNo - he's actually further than me. But he's motivating.
[Dangrts]: Tuurlijk niet. Je beoordeelt andere mensen toch met jezelf als referentiepunt
7:02 PM Jij vindt jezelf het normaalst en de rest varieert van heel vreemd tot heel normaal
Ervan uitgaande hoeveel ze op jezelf lijken
me: Nee, dat ook weer niet. Ik vind mezelf vergeleken met anderen niet heel erg vreemd, bedoel ik.
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NJOGTGVS Bauhaus. :D
7:03 PM [Dangrts]: Bauhaus?
me: Ik snap dat ik geen breezer ben, maar aan de andere kant, de rest van de wereld vindt breezers ook niet normaal.
[Dangrts]: Behalve de breezers zelf dan
7:04 PM Hoezo Bela Lugosi's dead?
me: Is een nummer. Van de band Bauhaus.
7:05 PM [Dangrts]: oow
Bela Lugosi, die speelde toch oa in de Matrix?
me: ...
([Dangrts]: What do you mean, Bela Lugosi's dead?
Me: It's a song. By the band Bauhaus.
[Dangrts]: Oow. Bela Lugosi, wasn't he one of the actors from the Matrix?
Me: ...
[later on: Me: [still quiet]
Dangrts: Or am I being cyberslaughtered now?
Me: ...Bela Lugosi was the original Dracula. In the 1920/30s.]
1931, actually. But I don't know by heart when he began acting.