A much needed update

Dec 04, 2008 14:44

I'm happy. I guess that explains why I'm not writing; existential crises and rants are pushed aside.

I'm in love with someone who loves literature as passionately as I do. We nerd out over Foer, Shaffer, exchange excited bits about The Grapes of Wrath. She educates me. And we ply each other with gifts because we want to give each other everything. I find that we are emotional and rational together, we are close in that way.

Y.+B. are getting married soon. I'm excited to be a part of this glorious event and I can't wait to see how happy they will be together on the day of. The summer after graduation, B. told me he wanted to marry her. Now that it's happening, I almost can't believe it.

Frustrations about certain things remain: communication is always incomplete, I will always remain malleable.
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