Jun 14, 2004 09:16
I'm quite bored this evening. Its a lovely evening, really bright and warm out but what with it being Sunday, Alan has gone back to base and with the addition of Cat being in London this weekend, i have no one to play with! I have been so bored that i actually sat through the entirety of the Canadian Grand Prix on the telly, in the hope that i would think of something to do in the meantime. I will not, however, let boredom drive me to watching the England v France match that follows it.
Most of the things i want to do are packed or hidden from view somewhere under the mess that is my "moving out strategy". The pile for the car boot sale is getting significantly bigger than i thought it would be, and this is before i have collected anything from my parents house. You see, in order to be able to fit into my old room, i need a serious tidy out of the wardrobe in there and all my things that reside in my parent's attic. The only snag with the car boot pile becoming over-large is the fact that it, along with all Cat's car boot stuff has to fit into my car on the day. Which is looking probable but less certain than it did before i had actually began sorting through all my belongings.
In anticipation of said car boot sale, Alan and i spent some of our time last night sticking price stickers on things, trying to decide that if by some wierd chance someone wants to buy something - what they would realistically pay for it. Even if i am going for the fun of the day, i will still need to have a vague idea how to sell things! Plus it looks like i may need some lessons on how to get the maximum number of items into the minimum amount of space - as everything seems to want to spill out of any container that i put it in - forcibly or otherwise!
Alan has just arrived back on base and called to tell me so. Short week this week, as he will be back here on Wednesday night just prior to the busiest extended 'weekend' that we have had for a while. He'll arrive in Manchester late Wednesday and we'll be heading to my parents house that night, with a few boxes of stuff to be moved out. We're staying there that night as first thing Thursday morning, my car is in for its MOT at the garage near to my parent's house. Then I shall collect some of the things from my parents that are being brought back here for the car boot sale and we'll drive back here Thursday afternoon. Thursday night late OR friday morning v early we're driving from here to Peterborough (250 miles ish!) to take some of Alan's larger and heavier items that can't be carried on a train, to his base. We're staying there til saturday afternoon, when we'll broach the drive back to Manchester. Early start Sunday for the car boot sale! I think i may hate driving by the end of it all. But at least we should get a few spare hours on Friday afternoon to enjoy a bit of Stamford. Well, i hope so.