Nov 17, 2003 13:02
A proper day in Manchester today, as far as the weather is concerned anyhow. Genuinely grey, with that awful rain thats so light and misty, that you don't notice as you slowly but surely get soaked to the skin. I had plenty of time to appreciate this, as i missed my usual bus by a fraction of time this morning, and had the pleasure of waiting in the rain for the next one. Not that the rain really bothers me. Its more the 'grey-ness' that does that. It surprises me that weather like this can have such an extensive effect upon people. Every face i saw on the way to work, bar the bus driver who was unusually cheerful, was glum and each figure hunched over. The morning hustle and bustle had been reduced to a dreary trudge. Every step an effort. Thinking on though, that could be just as much down to the fact that today is Monday, and thus the 'worst' day of the working week!
Also in line with it being a Monday, the photocopier broke instantly first thing this morning because i had the audacity to request it to sort and staple my copies, then i realised that my internet connection here in work would not be working this morning, plus every other file that i need is missing from the location that the computer gives me for it. Apart from that though, everything is going well. Roll on Wednesday...
On a more positive note, the morning is just flying past today. Its already only 50 minutes to my lunch time. This shows the great benefit in keeping as busy as possible whilst in work!