Yesterday I finished my taxes. I went to a library and made a copy of everything. Across Kirchoff Road is a Jewel. I needed to buy envelopes (well 1 anyway) for my state return. At the other end of the strip mall is a post office.
Last night on my way back to my motel from my sister's I decided to take a different way back. I was on a different part of Hicks Road, near Kirchoff, where I passed a van sitting in the center of traffic with some people standing around it. Against my better judgment I stopped my car (turned it off, locked it & stuffed my keys in my pants pocket) and ran over & asked if they needed help. They had run out of gas & was trying to push the car to the gas station across the road. Someone else approached & also helped. There ended up being 3 of us pushing, a woman was in the driver's seat, but couldn't steer (partially because she was on her cell phone) so he whom I am guessing was her companion helped steer from outside.
We got the van pushed close enough to the gas pumps, he thanked us & the other 3 of us left.
By the time I got to my car, my lungs were feeling the cardio workout. Whew. Yeah, I'm in bad shape *facepalm*.
I also had some strange dreams that I again remember.
First, I was in the bathroom of the house where I grew up, about to take a shower. There was a man in there who was supposed to be a boyfriend or husband, but he was breaking up with or divorcing me. He had a large stack of money that he was trying to put somewhere while he ran some errands. He didn't quite trust me. I didn't trust him either and I had a larger stack of cash. I set my stack on the floor behind the toilet & was about to get into the shower. He set his in the doorway. I asked him to move it so I could close the door, but he wouldn't.
Suddenly I had my stack of cash & was running through a very large room that had whit walls. I was headed towards the back, where I had a duffel bag in which to put my money.
Suddenly I was outside and it was night time. There were lots of people around a bonfire. I sat down and someone handed me a large plastic disposable bowl that had in it a homemade fruit yogurt. I started eating some of it. It was vanilla flavored with lots of blueberries and strawberries. I love blueberries so I dug around in the yogurt with my spoon, sometimes eating the strawberries, but mostly going around them for more blueberries. In the meantime, a woman sitting next to me asked me if I should be eating it. My husband/boyfriend who was breaking up with me had made it & what if he poisoned it knowing I'd eat it. I said I had to hope for the best & kept digging for blueberries.
Suddenly I was in a grocery store with a lot of other people from the bonfire. Everyone had their own shopping carts. I pushed mine around looking for specific things. First I went to the produce aisle and got either some fruit or I got vegetables, I'm not even sure which. Someone else from the bonfire was a foreigner & had no idea what to get so I took him around to see if anything looked appealing. He kept asking the prices on things.
Then we went to the refrigerated dairy/butter/cheese section where I was looking for something else specific, but couldn't find.
The rest of the details are really fuzzy and I woke up shortly thereafter.