... but I'm not one to ignore when the universe bops me over the head.
I'm a huge planner. I always want to know what's going on, what I'm doing, when I'm doing it. Surprises are usually not good things. I take something stated and go exactly with that, and if it turns out differently, I sometimes have trouble adjusting. Making lists and writing things down helps me stay organized pretty well.
So this morning, on the first full day of spring, I planned to use it efficiently. Before I even got out of bed, I made a very nice todo list of grand things to get done around the house. Then I took my laptop and went downstairs for breakfast, whereupon my laptop crashed, entirely wiping out my unsaved list.
Taking that as a sign, I decided not to re-make the list, but work today on whatever I felt like doing. So I cleaned a bit, finished the rest of my tax prep (it's a lot less painful when I get money back, thanks to my nice new shiny tax-credit of a house), and went to go see Watchmen with
es5f, where I lucked out with a broken metered spot, a free movie ticket, and an enjoyable movie, then a very tasty lunch and a couple fantastic finds at the local Goodwill. T
hen I came home, enjoyed an adorable cat in my lap while having good conversation with my houseguest, did a little bit of yardwork and gardening (step one of trying to keep bunnies out of my garden: plant onions around the border!), and relaxed while catching up on webcomics. All without looking at a list (although I think i covered a good percentage of what was on this morning's list)
I already know that my reliance on set plans is occasionally something that makes more stress for me than I need, so it's good to make myself practice playing it by ear. Even though I didn't get the pleasure of crossing things off, I relaxed and still had a productive day.
Happy spring!