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Dec 11, 2010 09:29

ah... an update.

wagged school yesterday, which was awesome. went to the opthalmologist to get eyes checked (all good), and then to my friend's house to see her 3week old niece whom she was baby sitting (she'd also wagged school! yay). in between, i dropped in a form at my old university. it's changed so much!
and also managed to run into an old uni lecturer. so fantastic being able to see them & show them the proverbial fruits of their labours. i was part of the inaugural group to go thru the course, so it was a bit like an episode of "this is your life" haha.

beejay is really fucking sore. and just when i think he's right (after massage etc) he comes up sore again after a ride, and he's not riding right either.

so. i reckon his back is out. and i also reckon he did it at that show i went to in October - he had several MASSIVE shies & afterwards was working progressively worse to the right. i think perhaps there's psychological stuff in there too because he DOES ride beautifully to the left, but perhaps there's muscle memory or something. who knows.


kelli's been doing deep tissue, but i think it's time for something else.

December 21st - Equestricare coming to do massage & laser. hoping to get chiro at this time as well.
January 4th - Bowen. with LAURA!!!! omg, *Squee!!!* haven't seen her in TWO YEARS, so that's pretty exciting. her prices have gone up $25 tho! yikes.
December 22nd - Lou is coming out to leave me an Innova, without the massive/ridiculous knee rolls.

i am very norty - bates currently has TWO YEARS interest free, which runs out on the 24th. she's suggested a bunch of saddles that would suit him & is leaving me with an innova to play around with over the chrissy break.

she also suggested: KN's, but they can be difficult to fit
Schumachers, but realistically i can't justify spending $6000+ on a saddle....
Keiffer Piet - never heard of this saddle

i don't really want a bates, but the 2 years interest free thing is a bit hard to ignore. we'll see. hopefully i can still get a feel for it. my wintec sits very low in the cantle, which carly thinks rocks me back. it probably doesn't help his lower back either.

after i spoke to Lou on wednesday night, i called Bates to get a feel for the interest free thingie.

well, i spoke to the best salesman in the world because after a 5min conversation i was ready to drop everything! apparently there is ONE in the colour, size & style i want left in the WHOLE COUNTRY - otherwise have to wait till APRIL. wtf?

so i messaged carly saying, OMFG DO I DO IT?

obviously she's all over it, totally enabling me & saying, YES!

then i messaged lou (saddle fitter) saying, DO I DO IT?

she calls me 2 seconds later saying, NO! go buy some shoes!
she's like, RIDE IN AS MANY SADDLES AS YOU CAN before you commit.

which was just as well cos i was about to FREAK OUT.

Riding Others
so with beejay crippled, i've been scabbing rides off other horses. Rode mouse in my lesson, which was awesome. SO NICE to ride a little horse that, tho uneducated, is safe as houses & i can actually be selfish & think about myself a LOT. a funny moment - i've mentioned before how carly's created a showing monster in Karen (the barn manager of my agistment). karen now literally thinks she is the shiznit with riding. she rode mouse the other day & had a super hard time cos the little mare is unbalanced & lacks forward yada yada. so of course, it's all MOUSE'S fault.
so karen was genuinely surprised when i rode her in my lesson & had a great time. Carly rode her too & thinks she's awesome.
so first, karen said to me that the horse must have been having a good day, because other days she can be such a bitch. i was like, "sure..." then went off to lunge beejy.

then she said the same thing to Carly, who said, "UHm, no, i like to think it's skill"... HAHAHAHA.

and everyone seems to have forgotton that i put 6 weeks work into the little horse at the start of the year and LOVED her. she was a porkchop at pony club, but otherwise, was a complete delight to ride. and SUCH a fast learner - i've never once thought she was dumb or "blonde" or whatever.

i don't think paul's interested in paying me to ride her now tho, cos there's a queue of people around who love catching rides! ah well.

Taz & The Teenager
Emily has been getting lessons with taz too, which is great. i have a feeling tho that her mum thinks that cos she's "re-educating him", (in her lessons with carly) perhaps she should pay less for the lease? idk. i'll just show her the numbers... she's got a pretty fucking good deal for $60/week (well, $65 now that he's wearing a full set of shoes), even WITH an extra $40 for lessons.

and it's not as if i couldn't re-educate him myself. if she wants to have lessons on the horse, she's welcome to. IMO it's better to learn how to school your own horse rather than plug around on a dead broke, obedient school pony (tho it is also nice to get a feel for what is correct).
anyway, he's doing mint. i took him out of hte mullen mouth & put a tongue-depressor bit on him and the horse is actually WORKING ON A CONTACT. omfg. how amazing. i'm riding him about once a week with the girls to go trail riding/jumping. he's such a good little man. and the best little jumper.

i was a bit pissed to discover tho, via facebook, that she's letting other people ride him WITHOUT HELMETS.
jesus, the insurance mess on that one if someone were to fall off! she did sign a contract stating that no one else could ride without my permission, and that helmets were to be worn at all times.... and then to find that picture on fb. the SECOND time too.... so not entirely impressed there.

anyways. got a funride this afternoon. just walkies, with a bunch of people. should be good.
almost summer holidays too. YAY.

carly, mouse, saddles, taz, emily, beejay

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