well, that was awkward...

Nov 30, 2010 20:37

pony club enrollment night tonight. went down with kelli & fuck me, it was hard fucking work!

first, i had problems looking ppl in the eye. wtf was that about? kelli suggested it was due to ppl being in their civvies rather than jods & boots.

and people were seated around in a HUGE circle with this big space in the middle with this table full of food. i just don't think that sort of seating arrangement really *works* in any kind of awkward social situation except for maybe stripper nights or something.


i'm not normally so uncomfortable in front of people, but jeez, that was hard. we signed up for next year & pretty much bailed.
the committee were great, as usual, tho.

got my reports back from proof reading. about 600 characters / child. NO ERRORS. yeah baby... for several years in a row now, hahaha. even Mr English can't accomplish that. tho when re-reading them MYSELF i found a HAVE that should really be a HAS.

jed and i worked like the clackers on sunday to unpack & clean our house, ready for a rent inspection yesterday. SIX WEEKS, people! SIX WEEKS it's taken us to get our shit together. anyway. house is GORGEOUS and cute & all settled. all i wanna do now is spend some serious couch time bonding with this place.

lesson yesterday with Carly... on TAZ. hahaha. o MAN my legs are killing me!


six glorious weeks of summer holidays soon. December 17th. woot woot.

snark, arc, work

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