Black Saturday

Feb 06, 2010 10:16

I've been torturing myself by reading the stories here.

was having a bit of a cry & jed came in & we talked a bit about empathy. i am *very* empathetic and tend to get very emotional about things. whereas he said his first reaction (to the fires) was "Thank god it's not me" and then "what would i do to make sure it didn't happen to me?"

maybe it's the pragmatist in him. or maybe it's just the boy.

going to the gym once i get upright & then going on a trail ride with lizzie on her ponies. should be fun. then riding beej & then treating taz. big afternoon.

vet saw taz on monday & is pleased with how he's faring. he's impressed with his wounds & the way i'm treating them (exactly as he said, lol) and i have started using Jarrah Honey & documenting the progress there. i'll post some pics up soon.

had toast & vegemite for breakky & washed it down with a V8 vegie juice. nom nom nom.

feel stiff like an old woman - my PT kicked my ass (again) on thursday morning & the soreness is kicking in today-ish. i'm pleased tho cos i've worked out with him twice now & we've done totally different things both days. good for ADD me.

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