
Feb 24, 2008 02:45

oh, i also just wanted to say that FINALLY beejay is starting to consistently respond to me when i drive in with my car. he does nicker for food, but now he's starting to communicate in a "HELLO! you're HERE!" kind of way.

when i get out, i look for him & call out. he'll usually sing out in response & make his way over to the gate of his paddock. OR he'll turn his back & give me the cold shoulder & decide to show up at the gate only when i get closer.

today when he was grazing in the spare paddock, every time i called out to him, he looked up or nickered out to me, which made me feel super warm & fuzzy.

i'm not sure if he recognises my car yet... today i sat in the car for a little while reading HOOFBEATS (jaanka i saw your pics!) but when i got out i called out and he responded straightaway.

kelli's horse guinness, responds to her car. he perks up before i even hear or see her car show up.

sometimes i'll play tricks on beej & not call out. i sneak up to his paddock gate & call out from there and he about falls over himself in surprise & hurries over to see me, squealing en route. it's EXTREMELY endearing. he's a super fun horse to play games with & will happily play hide & seek.


Monty Roberts is coming this year - do i want to go see him for a 3rd time? i'm thinking i'm ready to maybe see someone else this year. i got Louise Atkinson's number (only Level 3 parelli instructor in WA) so i might see if she's got clinics happening sometime soon... wonder how she compares in price...

tho Monty does DEMO'S which are quite different to a clinic. i'd have to be a fence sitter as i'm not too keen to subject beej to a float trip just yet.

the penny dropping, beejay

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