you said we were the real thing

Nov 11, 2005 06:34

the thing that frightens me the most about problems between us is that there is no escape -- no comfort zone. when it happens, it is in fat, red, bold ink. not obscured, not opaque. the only clarity that we lack between us is the understanding of our own personalities. when you draw close to me, my fears surge through me from all corners of the universe like a magnet -- two opposing ends sore and awkward, clutching for dear life.

i hate being unsure, more than anything in this entire world. it consumes my entire life. question marks -- the great bottom feeders, scour me whole and pour out of my ears, leaving me pure as an nun. the antannae is bent, focus is lost. the remains are beyond repair, but the damage is the art. it is the striving, the desperation, the catharsis.

the maddening shroud -- i press against the wall terrified and appauled.

this is the fear that takes lives, that eats and eats and eats

and today it devours me whole.
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