Dear Yulegoat

Dec 21, 2010 21:16

ETA: Oh my! I see that my request has gone up for a pinch hit. So hello, new author, and thank you so much for offering to write even more this Yuletide season! I don't know what fandom you might have twigged onto, but if you're strapped for time, both WordWorld and Ursula Vernon's art are fairly easy to figure out in a short period of time, both having very little in the way of actual canon. But I am looking forward to whatever you want to write! /ETA

Hello there, marvelous, wondrous, fantastic person. I am so excited about this year's Yuletide, and I hope you are, too.

I want to let you know that just getting something written for me will make me incredibly happy, I promise, so no pressure. The only things that I would rather not see are things like rape, gratuitous character death, etc. I am fine with angst and such, but I like it to have at least a thread of hope by the end. Fandom is my happy place.

And now my prompts:

I would love anything that deals with the aftermath of the book, especially as it relates to Eddie and Jane's relationship, the revelations of High Saffron and the Rebootees, what the Previous were like and what caused all of the changes in the world, etc. Just any sort of continuation would make me ecstatic.

Ok, so, I love the weird worldbuilding Jasper Fforde does, and I desperately want to see more. Are there other colors that do weird things? What else might be in short supply because of what's going on at High Saffron? How else does the lack of color affect their day to day life?

Beyond that, I am loving the Eddie/Jane dynamic so far, and if you want to run with some post-book shenanigans, or even some in-book deleted scenes, I am also interested in that. Or even in the lives of the Previous. Or anything, really.

I love all of the little stories Ursula includes with her artwork, and I would love a continuation of them, or your own interpretation. The Radish Who Wore Goggles is one of my favorites, but I would be delighted to see anything having to do with her wonderful creations and this strange worldbuilding thing she's got going.

Ok, so you might have noticed that I have a strange-world-building obsession. But really, how could I not with all of this awesomeness? I specified the Radish Who Wore Goggles because I love her, but I'd like to read anything about anything in any of her universes - sapient fruit, the strange gods/saints, Gearworld, anything.

I want to know how reintegration goes after the clones are revealed to the world/it is revealed to the 'survivors' that they are actually clones and not the remnants of the human race, especially the difficulties in dealing with someone who is, at least genetically, identical to you. Things I would love to see: the return of memories a la Lincoln 6 Echo's dreams and drawings, the role of L6E and Jordan 2 Delta in the new world, and the worldwide backlash.

So yeah, that's basically it. When the movie was over, I was basically struck with the idea that there were now, effectively, identical copies of people being introduced to the world for the first time, each with the possibility of regaining their sponsor's memories. That's gotta be weird, not only for the sponsors, but also for the clones, who have to deal with the fact that someone paid for them to be created, and that nothing that they think they know is real.

I mean, that's gotta be trippy as all hell.

This is mostly a crack request, although I am genuinely curious - what happens if you break the characters down to their component letters? Will all DUCKs made with random letters be like the DUCK on the show? Why can't DOG talk?

So, um, yeah. That's pretty much it.

So I hope you have as much fun writing any of these as I did thinking of them, and I can't wait for Yuletide to arrive! Thank you so much.


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