He's trying to lead you down the path of righteousness. I'm gonna lead you down the path that rocks!

Jan 13, 2010 23:31

The Where The Wild Things Are pajamas aren't actually done yet (arrrrrrrgh), but I thought I'd post what I have done, because I'm cool like that. :D

I made this for my Secret Santa over at the ontd_startrek exchange, and since I know sheeana got them, I thought I'd post about them, because I'm pretty proud of them. :D

It's almost the entire main crew of the USS ENTERPRISE (minus Sulu, because I only had 6 toys and none of them really looked like Sulu to me) made out of rubber bath toys covered in Sculpey. It was originally supposed to be just Spock the duck, but I got a little... carried away. Oops.

(Clicking on any picture embiggens it)

Here's Captain Kirk, the oddly bloated fish. I had the hardest time with him, because I had to cut off his back fin to keep him from having a weird lump under his uniform tunic, which made it much harder to smooth the Sculpey down. But the giant lips seemed oddly... appropriate for some reason. ;P

Commander Spock, the traditional duck. This was my original plan, as my giftee loved both Spock and rubber ducks. I really love the way his hair turned out, although his eyebrows are a little ridiculous.

Bones the frog. I completely forgot to give him a hypospray (I am ashamed!), but I do like his hair. And I don't know why, but a frog seems right somehow.

Ensign Chekov, the flat fish. He was a little hard, because his stripes just wouldn't go on right, and that fin kept getting in the way. And his hair... oh, god, all those curls. D:

Lieutenant Uhura, the seal. I love her sassy pose, although I accidentally cut her tunic way short in the bust. Oh well. Also, I was petrified that her ponytail would break in transit, but I've been reassured that they all arrived intact. *phew*

And finally Scotty, the starfish. OMG, he is my favorite. I think it's the hat. It turned out really well, I think.

My mom is a big fan of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, so, like last year, when I made her Iorek Byrnison from His Dark Materials, I decided to make her her favorite character. This time, it was Luggage, the anthropomorphized suitcase made of sapient pearwood.

I am so ridiculously proud of this, you guys.

I got this idea off a website somewhere, but damned if I can find it. I hate shopping for him, because he's a really rich lawyer whose only interest is going to church. Ugh. But I really like these coasters! The map is one of Indiana, and I picked the weirdest town and park names. ;D

Shopping for my dad is also hard, because he doesn't like stuff. But I got him something useful this time, I hope. It's a collar woven from paracord, like those Survival Bracelets, so he will always have some really strong rope when he goes hiking with the dog. This is especially good, because Dad's idea of a raincoat is a plastic bag for his wallet and a hat. He doesn't plan ahead very well.

I used this recipe to make these, and it didn't turn out quite right, but I like them anyway. I only made 8 of them with faces, because they are way too time consuming to finish all the way. But I think she appreciated them anyway, even though she's 29. ;D

Plus, they dye your mouth blue. Bonus!

Oh, man, I am exhausted! But accomplished. :D :D :D

ETA: I am now offering to make a fandom item of your choice, with a starting bid of $10, HERE, at help_haiti, which is a collection of creative auctions where the proceeds will go directly to Haiti. So, if you like what you see, come bid. I want to help any way I can.

fandom: star trek, life: craftiness, fandom: sesame street, fandom: discworld, life: christmas

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