
Dec 24, 2009 19:58

Dear YuleGoat,

You are lovely. I have no idea who you are, but I love you already. :D

As a general start, I will just say that anything you write, I will love, I promise. The fact that this exchange even exists makes me incredibly happy, so don't worry too much about the optional details. And don't even worry about the characters - I just listed my four favorites from each of my fandoms, so you can leave some of them out. I promise I won't get offended. :D

The Addams Family
RequestFandomChar1: Gomez Addams/Joel Blicker/Morticia Addams/Wednesday Addams

RequestDetail1: Morticia/Gomez is just about my favorite pairing ever, but I also love Joel/Wednesday, if only because Wednesday is the best child character ever. My favorite thing to see in the movies is the atmosphere, and the throwaway references to horrible accidents and torture (how lovely!) are amazing. Morticia and Gomez most definitely need more love, and Joel needs some better developing characterization, stat, so anything I get with them in it would be LOVELY.

I've recently become re-obsessed with these movies, for no apparent reason, but I LOVE them. The atmosphere is just so delightfully disturbing, and yet they are the least dysfunctional family ever. I love it.

Morticia and Gomez are probably my favorite part, because they are such an excellent couple, and you can definitely tell they love each other, and they are amazing parents. And Wednesday is basically what I would have been had I been raised by such wonderfully morbid parents, so I have a big soft spot for her.

I'd be happy with pretty much anything, but I do love how the romance is blended in with the story in the movies, for what it's worth.

Pushing Daisies
RequestFandomChar2: Charlotte Charles, aka Chuck/Lily Charles/Olive Snook/Vivian Charles

RequestDetail2: I love the Darling Mermaid Darlings something fierce, and I really want to see something written about their sister to sister dynamic. I know that they're close, but how did they weather everything that they've been through, and how did taking in, losing, and regaining Chuck change them? I really just want to see some more Lily and Vivian in this fandom, and if you could also throw in some Olive (my other favorite character), I would love you forever.

Again, it's the atmosphere I really love with this show - it's really distinctively morbid and candy-coated cheerful at the same time. And my favorite characters in the entire show are the Darling Mermaid Darlings. Unfortunately, they don't get nearly enough screentime, which I'm hoping you can fix, at least a little. :P

Like I said in my request, it's their sister/sister dynamic that really fascinates me, and I'd love to see the previous adventures of the DMDs, or some more of Lily's snark and Vivian's slightly airheaded cheer. I just ♥ them to a ridiculous degree.

RequestFandomChar3: Alexis Castle/Kate Beckett/Martha Castle/Rick Castle

RequestDetail3: I LOVE this show to absolute pieces, especially the Castle Family Dynamic, and Kate (who is kick-ass awesome). Alexis is basically who I was as a young adult - nerdy, sarcastic, unconventionally social, etc, and Martha is the best old lady ever. Rick is. Rick, which I think is sufficient info on that subject, although I might add that the Firefly reference in the Halloween episode made me almost die of glee. So, Gen, romance (I have a spot for some Castle/Beckett flirtatiousness), whatever - I would be happy with whatever Castle-y goodness might come my way.

Oh my god, I cannot articulate in words how marvelous this show is. It is exactly what I want in my snarky TV shows, like Bones for when my brain is too tired to parse scientific language. It's amazing.

And Beckett and Castle are completely perfect (especially together!), and Esposito and Ryan are amazing backup characters without being cliched, and even Lanie Parish is good. And Alexis and Martha! Oh! I love the entire Castle family to death - I am a sucker for odd and happy families, and Alexis is me a couple of years ago.

Finding Nemo
RequestFandomChar4: Dory/Marlin/Nemo

RequestDetail4: I know it's odd (shipping two anthropomorphic fish together is a really weird thing to take away from a children's movie.), but I do love Dory/Marlin a lot. Dory helps Martin relax, Marlin helps Dory remember, and Nemo brings them together. It's perfect! I feel like anything graphic would not only be disturbing, but weird as hell, so none of that, please. What I do want to see, failing Marlin/Dory (even friendship!), would be the continuing adventures of the tank gang.

This is a really weird request, but Marlin and Dory's relationship just fascinated me throughout the movie. It's all very lighthearted but deep and painful underneath, and I love that. Anything about how Marlin has changed Dory's life, or the other way around, or even what they do with Nemo after the movie... any of that would make me incredibly happy. I like to think that they became a sort of unconventional family after the movie ended, but take it where you will.

And really, yulegoat, just have fun with it. I am excited to see what you come up with!


PS - I'm sorry I'm so ridiculously random. I can't help it - I just got really excited about Yuletide.

fic: yuletide!

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