I'll probably find my bank account empty as a result of making this entry..

Oct 30, 2018 23:32

..if there was anything in there to start with, that is.

A tad anti-Russian? No doubt. But finding my own compositions available for download (at a cost) before they even clear mastering by the producer/mastering chap years back is not something I feel I should forget in a hurry. Plus, thank you for Brexit and Trump, Vladimir; it's probably you that's f*cked Brasil up as well now, is it?

So, LJ still exists. I tried to migrate to Dreamwidth but have such limited ability with tech these days I just gave up.
Besides, who wants to read my depressive meanderings of old? Certainly not me. I've hardly enough time to bumble around with the techy kit I already embarrass myself with as it is.

But news/updates? Maybe when not so tired. I wasn't intending being on the laptop for long tonight as it is and I merely stumbled upon LJ by accident. But in brief:

My dad has finally sold his house down south and will be Stockton based by the end of the Autumn. My poor big sis will have the pleasure of his company until he finds something suitable. Three hours drive is close but not too close, y'know what I mean?
J's university course seems to be mostly rather awesome, but I think that's because it's something that she can make awesome. She works like a trooper and although she's never going to be centre of team teenage there, the tutors are getting to know her by name, even if they're not her actual tutors.
Me? Still at Speccies, sadly. Sadder still that I have no energy or mental faculty to do anything about that. The really good team has partly gone now and I'm under orders not to leave or Jesse and Sian will do too. I am their "work dad" I am told. They would miss my really bad dad jokes and actually, it's rather cool to have someone just "get" references I make and indulge my waffle. But I've not signed up to any history course, Gaelic language, martial arts clubs or bothered getting my head around music software yet. Getting on for FOUR years too. I feel old, fat and creaky. My brain doesn't work like it used to. I don't even go out much and haven't been to a music gathering other than Infest for possibly two years, which was the last Infest I went to. I hardly even listen to music these days either.
Feeling broke and oh so tired is the cause of most of that I'm sure. I hope.

Anyway, more of my ramblings for the Russians when time and inclination permits. Who else is still on LJ these days?
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