Dec 04, 2015 00:30
There never seems to be enough time, I've discovered.
I used to keep an LJ, train with GKR 2-3 times a week (including teach once a week), write (and occasionally perform) music.
These days, I come home and collapse on the sofa with an alcoholic drink, whatever series on TV Mrs A and I are watching, and... well, that's mostly it. At every opportunity when out I play Ingress and find the next achievement to aim for as soon as I reach a goal. Work sucks my mental and physical energy (retail and public interaction is especially hard work for me, pretending I'm a people-person) and there's no band or studio (or karate club) to go focus on atm. To be honest, being happily married and exhausted from work kind of blunts the creative edge. I admit I threw everything into the holes in my life and a lot of band and karate and kids filled that. I hadn't expected not to see pre-move friends or family up here as little as I do. It was a major selling point aout coming back to Scotland. I especially don't see friends as much as I want to and I miss the daily interaction with my kids more than I admit and *way* more than they realise. And, yes, I worry about my dad down south.
So, as for those promises I made myself at the beginning of the year... Not that it's taken so long to settle into our new lives up in Edinburgh and no excuses, but the 1.5 day's worth of flat-hunting did end up putting our progress back quite a bit, but the new place (although tiny) is so much more what we need right now. If only time/energy wasn't being sucked away...
Gods, is it really December 2015 already?