Title: WE NEED MOAR DRINKS! Characters: Isshin (lotus_seed), Grimmjow (formative) Timeline: September 1, 2007 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Isshin and Grimmjow have a couple of shots. Fun times! Takes place right after this log
Title: The Daddies Ditch Daycare Characters: Isshin (lotus_seed), Ryuuken (thenakedcat) Rating: PG Timeline: September 9, 2007 Summary: Playing hooky isn't just for the children anymore.
Title: "Love" is a Four-Letter Word Characters: Isshin (lotus_seed), Ryuuken (thenakedcat) Rating: PG-13 Timeline: September 8, 2007 Summary: The truth can be terrifying, but in the end it always wins out.
Title: Mom and Dad's Big Fight Characters: Isshin (lotus_seed), Ryuuken (thenakedcat), Ukitake (lcpdragonslayer), Nanao (davyn) Rating: PG-13 Timeline: September 3, 2007 Summary: Some things were never meant to be seen in print.
Title: Death Threat Characters: Grimmjow (formative), Hanatarou (akaadji), Isshin (lotus_seed) Timeline: September 1, 2007 Rating: PG Summary: Hanatarou bumps into Grimmjow and kills the Arrancar's bottle of beer. Grimm is not amused.
Title: Why, Hello There... Characters: Aizen (lcpdragonslayer), Gin (formative), Isshin (lotus_seed), Ryuuken (thenakedcat) Timeline: September 1, 2007 Rating: G Summary: Aizen says a brief hello to the hosts of the Soul Society party.
Title: Talking to the Stone Characters: Isshin (lotus_seed), Ryuuken (thenakedcat) Timeline: August 5, 1994 Rating: PG Summary: On the 49th day, the ghost leaves this world and Ryuuken and Isshin see her off.
Title: Third Verse And A Very Nice, Firm Coda Characters: Isshin, (lotus_seed), (thenakedcat) Timeline: September 1, 2007 Rating: PG-13 Summary: "Discreet" looks different depending on how many drinks you've had.
Title: Whistle while you... (Party Log) Characters: Grimmjow (formative), Isshin (lotus_seed) Timeline: September 1, 2007 Rating: PG-13 Summary: A musical encounter between Grimm and Isshin in the john...
Title: Quality Time, Interrupted Characters: Isshin (lotus_seed), Ichigo (akaadji) Timeline: June 17, 2007 Rating: PG-13, language Summary: Isshin doubts his abilities to carry on a father/son chat; Ichigo confirms his doubts.