Apr 25, 2007 11:52
Mah. I'm finally checked out of school. I can't really tell how I feel about this whole thing. I mean I wanna run outside and shout that I'm free but at the same time I just wanna curl into a ball and cry my eyes out. That's how I've been feeling all morning. I don't know why either. I got up, walked around my house some and I saw my niece Madison. Playin there lookin all inocent while everyone else was sleeping. It was weird. I wish I could be a little kid again sometimes. Their only job is to be a kid and enjoy it. Now, nobody enjoys being themselves. Its like you get older and you get more disgusted with everything- your life, your appearence, your future, your past- and everyone just wants to get out of the present.
I think I'm just cranky cuz I'm hungry.