A month in hiding

Nov 01, 2007 02:16

For the past month or so I've been hiding away from the world.

This is very, very much unlike me. I'm starting to get concerned about it because it's that unusual for me to spend so much time alone at home doing nothing.

I go home each night and procrastinate from doing my laundry, which I have good intentions to get done, but never seem to manage actually putting the intent into motion. I put a few things away here and there. I keep up on email, LJ and Facebook and chat with friends online. I talk on the phone. I watch TV. I don't feel like going out or doing much of anything. All of my weeknights have been like this for the past month.

Because of the stress of the end of the relationship with Pie, I'm feeling disconnected from our mutual friends because ... I guess because I feel like I have lots of support for myself and I want to give her space to have the support she needs. Maybe she doesn't even need it. I just feel like it's important to do that.

For a while I couldn't sleep. Last weekend I went to spend a low-key weekend in Stratford with A&K. It ended not so low key. On Monday I was both emotionally and physically exhausted while I attended client meetings all day. I went home and was in bed by 5pm, staying there until the alarm went off in the morning for work. Last night I slept very poorly. After taking nearly two hours to fall asleep, I woke up frequently, feeling restless. I got maybe four hours of sleep and woke up at 5:30am, having given up on getting real rest. I'm finding it hard to fall asleep again tonight.

I've been putting my focus on doing well at work and getting there on time. I've pretty much dropped the ball on everything else except 10ICB and BENT (which is this Saturday, so register if you haven't already!).

But now I'm at the point at which I'm starting to feel isolated. I need to stop that and see people again during the weeknights to help re-energize.

a-k, depression, work, friends, polymoments, pieprobs

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