(no subject)

Jul 17, 2006 16:03

i am beginning to worry about this "fray" business.


just listen.



i was watching "the hills" [less exciting Laguna Beach, away from Laguna Beach] and i was thinking that i hadn't had any song stuck in my head lately and so i thought "oh, i guess i could start singing 'how to save a life' in my head again" [why i felt the need to put a song in my head, i don't know; this must be some form of masochism; i always do things like that to myself, like "oh, this is easy - so let's make it HARDER"] and i did,

and then 5 SECONDS LATER NO JOKE, "over my head" started playing on the hills.

by the fray.

this same thing basically happened two days ago, too, as i mentioned previously.

okay, whatever. anyway. i would call someone or multiple someones up and do something but i DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. it is at least 100 degrees outside and i want to make my summer exciting and exhilarating but does ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS??
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