Ok, this is the first fic I've written in . . . well, I can't remember. A very long time. Which is why it's only just over 500 words. May do a sequel, not decided yet
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Title: Faith Hope Trust Pairing: unknown m/m Rating: NC-17 Warning: D/s, whips Notes: I caught a plot bunny, it’s not much, and is unbetaed. ( to fic )
Title: Circle of Time Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: PG Warning: Slash established relationship, post “Exit Wounds.” Unbetaed, short fic. My muses have deserted me, this is all I can do at the moment:(
Dream and little dream - Thoughts of Ianto Jones. Rating: G Characters: Ianto. With a bit of Jack. Warning: Set pretty much any time post KKBB. Ianto watches Jack sleep and muses on their relationship.
Title: A Case of You Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: NC-17 Warning: nothing I don’t think, just measuring tape porn ( therefore spoiler for 'Adam' I guess) with the stopwatch putting in an appearance. Unbetaed.
Title: Make Me Believe Primeval/Torchwood Characters: Stephen Hart/Jack Harkness Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Not mine property of the BBC and ITV. Stephen joins Torchwood ( ”Make )