Mar 11, 2008 00:15

Dammit. Just when I finally get rid of my PIE!SPARTA! icon, I find this:

 I will never learn.

truthordara has one of the bestest BE ALL END ALL funny buckets I've ever seen. This is my favorite. Which brings us to the big ETERNAL QUESTION OF LIFE: "Will Gerard Butler EVER get used to seeing his face, quite literally, everywhere?"

Speaking of Islam or militants, which we weren't, but apparently we are, because it's apparently the same as being gay, an old friend of mine just wrote an awesome post and she rocked the logic, calling out the insanity. Anyway, this is what she said and this is what I said and we are all over there going YAH and WTF... and by the way... SPARTA.

And in the "You Win the Social Darwin Award" category, I am singing along with Jem and Jeff Klein (here have some songs) and making icons and watching Jared being Clay MacGyver on the weirdest kids show ever and generally being silly.

IPod white screens of death can kiss my behind. *lol*

i am beer, insomnia again, ninja, going to hell

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