Tired. Mostly.

Mar 10, 2008 03:50

I wrote a little bit tonight. I'm just not speaking English anymore. I seem to go through phases where I get plot figured out, but I can't write, or the words come, but they have no real merit and I shoehorn them into the story. These boys are not playing by the rules at all. But since when have they ever done that, anyway? :)

This weekend was weird. I spent most of today doing laundry and having a Jericho marathon with Aaron.

We all quit. It got put to a vote before rehearsal even began on Saturday. Everyone who showed up to Dan's had the same complaints: The people who show up regularly were all there, but not everybody. There were still tiny speaking parts uncast. The director has been out of town for an unexpectedly long amount of time, not everyone was costumed yet, not everyone was off book, and there was only a week until the performance. It was pretty unanimous. Dara and I were not actually in the room when the vote took place, but Jeremy and Kevin knew what we would have said. It honestly felt like we were all leaving a funeral. (Dara went outside to call me. I was running late because I was finishing up the posters... which we would no longer need. *rolls eyes*) Anyway, we all hugged the few people who left directly after the vote. Then the rest of us walked down to Fuzzy Taco and had lunch and beer. Dara took some video and pictures of us in full mutiny.

Well, I'll let her tell it. I'm all out of words for now.
Jeremy came up to us and said, "Remember that conversation we all had on Wednesday?" - which was about how we should all just quit or postpone this play since we will so not be ready for next weekend. "Well, they're all having the same one now."

A few minutes pass by, then Jeremy decided it'd be a good time to come to a decision about this. We couldn't just make up for lost time by rehearsing every day because a lot of people have other shows or work or whatever. Same problem with trying to reschedule the performance. They all put it to a vote while I was outside; I'd already had this discussion and I knew what the outcome would be. We quit - all of us.

Logan, Karina, and Jeremy

It was too screwed up and disorganized to salvage. So we all went next door for tacos and beer, and dominated the jukebox, and Kevin left the greatest voicemail on Dale's phone that I wish I had video'd. It went something like, "Hey Dale, it's Kevin. Um, some stuff went down at rehearsal today. It wasn't quite what I'd call a mutiny... more like a coming together. So anyway, uh, we will naught [pauses to suppress laughter] be performing next week. You can call any one of us to get the story. Okay, bye."

Instead of that, here's an episode of "Thirty Seconds of Honesty with Kevin Wickersham": (The really, loud, annoying laughter is me. -Karina)

And here's one of him explaining the two types of people who wear sunglasses indoors:

Then we went to our house to get wasted and burn our scripts.

Clint and Jeremy, aka The Pyro

What scripts? I don't know what you're talking about...
Space Fuckers Unite. LOL 

theatre, going to hell, friends, oh noes

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