Will it stand up on its own?

Jul 20, 2007 11:25

CW, Thursday, October 4th, 9 PM ET 
Be there, or be a small geometrical figure with sharp, pointy edges.

The Show will not be following the Smallville premiere. This could be a BIG blessing in disguise. To me, Smallville is not the show it once was. This will give The Show a chance to dance to the beat of its own drum. And! We can turn out in force and not get labeled as leeches from the previous timeslot. Of course it will stand up on its own two feet! Or, four feet, depending on how you look at it.

Woo! Cuz yay.

Go here for the latest rantings at the CW Source on this announcement and the full fall schedule.

kaz 2y5

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