I foresee... someone has a BORN ON DATE today!

Jul 19, 2007 14:42

Needing some self help yoga crap. I has a migraine. At werk. This is a pre-apology for what might be a relatively incoherent ramble. I have my first SPN fic and picspam in progress, but they won't be ready til sometime after now, but before never.

EMMY!?! WTFBBQ! Supernatural gets ignored! Again! Is this breaking news? FINE! Hooda hell cares. They always look over the real talent and go for random stuff that makes you wonder what Walmart they got their brains from. At least the SPN crew has a very loyal following who is doing its best to convert souls everywhere (like siblings and at work... *ahem*). I'm loving on the dudette who resurrected this CW post from last year: Why Jensen Ackles Doesn't Deserve an Emmy. Before you have a conniption, just go read it.

Happy Birthday Jared! Iz be mkin u sum fans n stufz! Dat b yer present cuz I iz brokted. Pretty soon you will be an old fart, so enjoy those firm biceps while they last.

In other news that is still Show news, our lovely character writer from S1 & 2, Miss Raelle Tucker, has moved on to $greener$ pastures (at HBO) and her replacement is none other than Emmy (there's that damn word again) nominated Laurence Andries. Wonder what his mark will be or if they will pair him with a vet like Shiban or Gamble at first. Hm. Should be neat, either way. Those boys can make almost anything sound good, so I'm not worried. I refuse. To be concerned. Really. I'm not.

Counting down to my Plastic!Crack fix...

kaz 2y5

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