The Sammy Song! & Season 3 Encounters

Jul 24, 2007 11:58

Fanlike squee and pimping my sister. I'm naughty. Yes.  *nod nod*. And because all this Yelling - I mean talk (but honestly yelling) about two new females on the show is giving me fits by proxy... and hiatus is kicking me into the walls and I'm in need of crack or something else vaguely drug-like or pillow-like today to get through work, I am posting THIS little piece of funny. Also cuz my sister made it and it's Teh Awesum. Also!  She (we) got plugged (in a good way) at the CW Lounge. The pride. Oh, the pride.

Teh Props:

But what is causing my utter incoherence BESIDES being insanely tired? Why, a fandom encounter with The Boys. While Filming. For Season 3. And there was much jaw dropping. And I quote. ***SPOILERS GALORE***

WITH PICTURES *officially dies* or DOWNLOAD THEM *dies harder* -- "Then he INTRODUCED HIMSELF. Like seriously "By the way, I'm Jensen." HOLY CRAP." -- "The main point is THEY BANTER LIKE AWESOME THINGS BANTER. Genuine and friendly and with that best buds aura pretty much shoved right in your face." -- "IT WAS EXCITING, SHUT UP. I mean, the studio basically said, 'Hi, I hear you're trying to stalk our boys, that's great, here's an engraved invitation, we'll be filming in your back garden, please come visit!'"

sisteh pimp, jared padalecki, what was my name?, kaz 2y5, teh awesum, jensen ackles

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