Oct 20, 2010 23:52
wtf, what is this i don't even, late nite conversations, batshanging, in dreams, dread pirates, anonymouse, jared haz a holey shirt, under the volcano, i think i et a zombie, bzuh?, oh for the love, tahirire keeps stealin' my tags, fearthewrathofthe eta, yay?, tentaculacular, nobody asked you, on the other other hand, teh awesum, anansi boys, oh hai, relevant relevant relevant, check out my sick blending, fuck you imma ukelele, it's where things go, she said what, i think i might die, hang onto your ass, in the cemetery, lunch around the stone table, achievement unlocked, we caught the narnia, family, ninja, ginger would like it to be known that..., karina needs therapy, boys are silly, jensen is actually captain planet, ping pong time, word of the day, but what does it mean, it made everyone gay as a rainbow fart, this tag has been tampered with, i like this game, life imitates art imitating life, i'm in ur el jay making ur posts, because it's wrong, i don't believe in cut tags, lid pops a cork in your ass, friends, gleek is a monkey, ninja owl strikes again