“Next time you can call me on my day off, if you want.”
He didn’t have to pay her. He could have made a connection with her instead, turned her into a fond two-night’s stand, maybe more. So why didn’t he?
Because paying money = NOT paying in all the ways he did before. To not pay the money would mean she might have meant something to him.
This way, it’s over, and they can both walk away on the high point. Transaction complete.
People tend to forget that Dean used to do this, too...unless he got his special Thai massages with happy endings for free.
Although it easily could, this scene is not emphasizing Sam turning into Dean. It's emphasizing that Sam is now a true hunter. Dean used to do those things because it was all that life could afford him. After seeing what happened to Mary, it was the only kind of connection he'd allow himself to have.
Sam's old morals were, in large part, due to his not accepting the hunting life - he wanted a normal life, complete with the morals attached to it. Now, Sam is doing the same thing for the same reasons that Dean used to.
Also, once you’ve been ridden by the Devil, and Hell has spit you out, and Heaven doesn’t answer your prayers, and God doesn’t seem to be invested in your life anymore, paying for a hooker isn’t really something to bat an eyelash at, you know?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot - and Statue Sam is hot.
That is all.
I agree. I think the reason why this scene doesn't read as a metamorphosis of Sam becoming the old Dean is because we never saw Dean close an encounter with any girl this... coldly. As much as Dean avoided bringing women into his life on a permanent basis (unless they were the kind who could shoot first and ask questions later), Dean was always affectionate with them, right up to the time they walked out the door.
New Sam? Not so much.
Especially not after the way he read the note, which I imagine contained suggestions for things they could do the next time they - ahem - met.
This girl objectified him. He gave her the BEST NIGHT OF HER LIFE, and she couldn't stop staring at him, and she will probably talk about that night to her friends for years. She didn't want to kiss him goodbye ... he was sweaty and gross... and hot ... and she was all... beautiful and aggressive... and hot. I don't think morning breath is entering this picture by any stretch of the imagination, anytime, anywhere.
What that says to me is that Sam is even MORE scared than he used to be of having attachments with women. And why would that be? If he's fulfilled the ultimate destiny, what does he have to be scared of now? Why doesn't he reward himself, since he saw Dean do it successfully for a year? Why is he so set on hunting when he never wanted it before? What is he looking for, and most of all, what is he afraid he'll find? THERE HAS TO BE MORE TO IT.
At least he has pants on. *tosses him a t-shirt*
Dean calls him from a Burger Heaven. I LIKE, SHOW.
It's been less than 48 hours and he's already been hunting again. I remember when he was passed out in the back of the Impala trying to sleep while Dean tracked down yet another hunt, to keep himself busy while his clock slowly ticked away... and I don't know, but... it's making me worry about Sammy. Does he want Dean back now, just when he's built something for himself, because he wants to hunt with him for just a little bit longer, before...
ACK. Say it ain't so. I thought we were done with clocks, dammit.
Who died and made him boss? Uhhh, he did?
This made me stop and think about how Show normally makes a point of making the monster both a mystery and a victim. This time around, there's a double mystery in that the ones who we think are the victims in the case are also monsters... and that the monsters on both sides of the equation are people... and that the source of vengeance and justice is supernatural.
In other words, a prayer was answered, akin to Dean begging for help last year, and THIS is what we are hunting down and stopping.
Intriguing, eh?
It's evil because it's disgusting and makes dead things. Easy enough.
Is that like "guns don't kill people, people do"?
Because I was thinking about joining the NRA.
I love how Sam has been waiting outside by his car every single time he and Dean meet up.
He could be eating in a diner or doing one more interview or any number of things... I just find it interesting that this is what we're seeing. That he's developing a bond with this car just like he had a bond with the Impala. He set her up the way he likes things and he's proud of her. She's his baby.
Dean on the other hand, is hunting with his baby now, too, but he hasn't left his other caretaker side behind. He's on the phone with Ben telling him to take his guilt like a man, which I imagine is something that his dad used to say. It's also kind of a callback to 5.06, when Dean could only get through to the kid who was lying but not to the kid who was telling the truth.
Also, when Sam hears that Lisa took it "shockingly well", the old Sam I know would have kept asking questions about Dean's abstract reply, wanting to know for sure which way the chips had fallen. But this Sam turns away immediately, glib response about how it's better for everybody, assuming that Lisa turned him out and not very remorseful for what he thinks Dean just lost.
This is a sideways look at handling the badge clearance, which makes sense because so far this whole scenario in general seems a bit off kilter and not very clear at all.
Sam rattles off the situation like a veteran, so distanced emotionally about how the guy must have suffered when his insides turned to pig slop that he laughs at Dean's joke. He LAUGHS. Old Sam would have said, "Dean" and given him a look that said he should be more sympathetic. So, there's that.
The other thing is that he simply doesn't compute Dean's reaction. Dean doesn't get it and Sam thinks he means the disease. Because he's caught up in the literal. Because... he's been living like an angel for how long was it?
"We're not here to look at him."
Even the camera angle leaves out what little reaction he had to the smell of the body, while Dean looks like he's gonna need a bucket if he has to touch Skidmark OR Bubblewrap.
Also also, Sam sounds like Horatio Caine.
"Saw him go from a solid to a liquid."
All that said, they can still do things at exactly the same time without even thinking about it.
Dean: "Here's the deal: I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence. If you ain't first, you're last. You know, you know what I'm talking about?
That there is trademarked, not to be used without written permission of Ricky Bobby, Inc."
We're the Fed... Ed.
PARDON ME, KOJAK. Is this a city to die for?
kj_svala ![](http://i945.photobucket.com/albums/ad292/blacklid2/603/603-TheThirdMan510.jpg)
I don't know anyone who gets dandruff so bad that they scratch all the faces off all the pictures in the house, but that's one ITCHY MOFO, right there. Last time we had someone scratch their brains out, she was a babysitter who was mean to a little boy by telling him to go to bed. The Nerve. Just because they were within a certain mile radius of a kid who just so happened to be an AntiChrist. Hmm.
*scratches head*
Colfax: "You can't corrupt it. And you know why? Because to corrupt it, you've got to show how corrupt you really are."
Does Christopher Birch not have a face because they shot it off? Ew.
What's interesting here is that the monster is ready to die for what he did, for what some people might have even called an accident, and he's willing to turn it all over to God and not beg for forgiveness or a reprieve or anything. He just wants to accept the consequences for what he did and keep everyone else in the dark about it. (Hi, Sam.)
Woah. Bug Brains.
Crap. There goes the last source.
Sam goes immediately to the Bible because 1) it looks like micro plagues besetting only the guilty and 2) angels have been known to go around smiting people when they're bored and 3) Sam has been around some pretty twisted angel logic lately and it seems plausible that some of them would go all Deliverance on some people, given the excuse. So yeah, Sam's ready to believe that Heaven could have a hard on for the brass, if they're twisted enough, because who takes on the authorities except bigger authorities?
Dean knows that corruption like this is all over the place, hidden on every street corner, and perpetuated by people who make mistakes and damn themselves for it all of the time, so he doesn't see why three city cops would be getting so much attention from the Happy Fun Ball if there wasn't something else going on.
Calling Castiel is the only thing that makes sense. And so what if Sam has tried? Dean isn't really sure what those attempts entailed, but he's also not going to put Sam on the spot and tell him that he was doing it wrong. Who knows why Cas is such a weirdo?
Oh, I am positive that you are an idiot.
Dean: "Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said...'I'm too drunk to taste this chicken.'"
Part Two, The Sex Edition (short and sweet)