how is littering still a thing that happens? seriously, people.

Jun 04, 2009 19:34

I hurt my knee somehow and now it is ridiculous trying to go down stairs or hills. It makes me really angry that I am not sure how this happened. I could be getting worker's comp right now! But I put a tensor bandage around it and today work was less painful. Unfortunately the bandage is now filthy from the warehouse.

Speaking of which, that place is hot. as. balls. Sweat was appearing in beads on my shins, pooling in my cleavage, making the roots of my hair damp. I wore shorts today because I couldn't fit pants over my tensor, and luckily no one said anything about that (we're not supposed to wear anything above the knee), nor the fact that I was two hours late this morning.
On my way home I bought an ice cream after I got off the bus and it was basically gone by the time I reached my door, which is a rarity for me; normally it takes me like 30 minutes to eat ice cream. Also, the heat has essentially killed my appetite so I'm having a gin and tonic for dinner :/

Might go weed/water the back garden. The poor thing hasn't seen rain in like two weeks and the dandelions are taking over.

Random: my right nipple piercing has been bothering me a lot lately. And it looks different than the left one, like it may have migrated? How likely is that to happen with a vertical nipple? Perhaps I should get this checked out.

I have photos for posting that I may get to later tonight. Maybe not.

heat, work

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