"can the suits handle the pressure?"

May 28, 2009 22:30

some things that I like:
-Wreck Beach
-watching cruise ships go under the Lion's Gate
-morning sex
-when the moon is only 1/4 full and you can see the dark side of it
-whiskey and apple juice
-the happy little bleep the palm receiver makes when I scan an item
-taking 20 minutes to roll a joint
-when I'm making coffee or something and Jeff comes up behind me and kisses the back of my neck
-getting home just as the song playing on my ipod ends
-the way ladies looked in the early '60s
-eating a whole jar of olives

some things I do not like:
-people who stand on the walking side of the escalator
-when I'm clearly reading a book and someone insists on talking to me anyway
-stores that leave their 'open' signs on when they're quite obviously closed
-going to sleep alone
-when people sit in the aisle seat on a crowded bus, leaving the window seat open so no one can sit there
-taking the last sip of a cup of coffee only to receive a mouth full of grounds
-cars changing lanes without signaling
-Gary Bettman

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