Catching sparks off you

Mar 14, 2011 11:48

That big to-do list of mine isn’t going anywhere, so I’m blogging sparsely this week until I catch up on my rewrites to Iron Codex II.  (I really hope I’ll be able to share the title and cover soon, because the cover is ah-mayyyy-zing.)

So, that list:

  • Revised draft of Devil’s Business - March 7
  • Revised draft of Iron Codex II - April 1
  • 50 pp. proposal of Running With the Devil - April 15 (arbitrary deadline is arbitrary)
  • First draft of Iron Codex III - August 1
  • The 1920s Hollywood zombie noir short story (same world as Running With the Devil) - August 30
  • First draft of Black London 5 - December 1
  • 50 pp. proposal for my YA option project - January 1, 2012

Couple of things have changed, obviously: I got solicited for a short piece about a month ago, and it’s from a source I really respect, so I’m anxious to write and submit the zombie noir (which stars Lee Grey, the protag of my new adult proposal.)  Black London 5 gave me a title-for now, pending editor approval, I’m calling it Soul Trade.  My YA option book, which originally was a historical steampunk fantasy very much in the vein of League of Extraordinary Gentleman or the Coppola version of Dracula, has morphed.  It was largely in response to a photo of a friend of mine, who’s a gorgeous Canadian model.  She hooked up with the fellow who shot all of my Nocturne City covers, and one particular recent shot of her fired up my creativity engine (after a bunch of soot and gunk and dead mice fell out of it.)  I thought about it a bit, that haunting image, and its equally haunting title, which also happens to be one of my favorite pop songs from pre-1970.  (Specific much, Caitlin?)  And everything just kind of fell into place.  All I’ll say is it’s a contemporary paranormal, 1st person POV, and I’m calling it Season of the Witch. So thanks, Canadian model friend Katie, for being so darn inspiring and generally awesome.

I’m continually amazed at where this stuff comes from.  I’ve never dreamed about sparkly vampires, but it’s still pretty outrageous.

And of course, here’s a couple of review tabs to wrap everything up with a nice little bow:

Originally published at Caitlin

lists, iron thorn, to-do, black london, yabi, writing, iron codex, schedule, shorts, ya

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