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I have groceries. I have words. I cleaned out the icebox because it was full of frightening science experiments that I forgot about while I was writing my last project. I think it’s safe to say that today was a return to productivity on the authorial front, even if it was devoid of filmmaking or fancy publishing types. More’s the pity.
Conjure Man
New words: 1,058
Total: 5,139
Reason for stopping: Goal, sleep tiem nao
Mean things: Plot points, lying to those you care about out of necessity
Authorial notes: Two words for the story accomplished today: Oh SNAP. Things just got a whole lot worse for Jack and Pete than even Jack realizes, and his lies are just exacerbating this stuff. He never, never learns.
I like this:
For all he prided himself on quick reflexes and quicker wits, Jack froze. He froze like a man caught out, with his sins on display like scars.
Other work: Nothing much, but I did read most of my current book yesterday while I was on set. Forced boredom FTW in terms of productivity.
Reading: The Name of the Wind, Patrick Rothfuss