All kinds of things, odds, ends, essentials and sundries

Jul 24, 2008 18:57

Originally published at Dark Territory. You can comment here or there.

In case you missed the fabulousity the first time around:

July 25-27
Tulsa, OK
Conestoga: Fangs, Fur & Fey mini-con
Like the brilliant mind that I am, I lost my e-schedule, but I do know that I will be at the author speed date, doing several panels in the context of the mini-con, and milling around the rest of the time, eager to be talked to, plied with drinks and regaled with pitches for your 247,000 word religious allegorical fantasy about George Bush and Abe Lincoln fighting an invasion of atheist gelatin-based life forms.

But wait! There’s more!

July something to August 2 (I know, organized, aren’t I?)
San Francisco, CA
RWA Nationals
I’ll be doing the St. Martin’s signing on Saturday as well as buzzing around like the busy little social bee I am. Except when I’m out seeing Alcatraz or eating burritos, in which case, I will wish to be left the hell alone. Unless you want to pay for my burrito.


Call for guest blogs:

As you know (and if you don’t, consider this fair warning) Pure Blood drops August 26th and I would like it to kick even more ass in sales than Night Life did, so I’m official open to guest blogging during the week leading up to and after release. I did ten guest blogs total last time, and that nearly made me ram a pencil into my eye socket, so this time I’m going to keep it to five spots. I’ll do Q&A or blog about a topic of my choice. I reserve the right to decline your offer if only your dog, your mom and your Cousin Jeb who’s a little slow and likes to eat the wallpaper read your blog. This is a largely mercenary action designed to generate buzz for Pure Blood as well as inform and entertain.

Those interested in having a guest blogger can reach me at caitlinkittredge [at] gmail [dot] com.


My parents are here to take care of the cats while I’m off traveling, and I’m not ashamed to say I got fuck-all done yesterday and probably will get roughly the same amount of Not a Damn Thing done today. It’s not their fault-in fact, my mother ordered me to go write. (Ah, Mom, without you instilling that Yankee work ethic, where would I be?) I’m always scattered and worthless to work on projects the day before a trip, although after a shopping trip, I’m the proud owner of a rolling carryon suitcase with silver casing and a million pockets straight from THE FUTURE.

The packing list for any given trip of mine usually goes thusly:

-Shirt with skulls on it
-Black Chucks (in case of imminent doom, put on Converse and save world)(Survival as taught by Doctor Who)
-Hideous raggedy jeans for after-hours drinking
-Slightly less hideous jeans for convention-going
-Tank tops
-Plaid pajamas. Don’t ask me why all of my pajamas are plaid. It just happened. I’m not even Scottish.
-Pencil skirt and jacket that allows me to play pretend adult for a few hours at RWA
-Promotional stickers for books
-Makeup. Unlike clothing, I’ve never needed much in the way of cosmetics. Two colors of shadow-day and night-and two colors of lipstick-pink and HOLY JESUS THAT’S PINK AUGH MY EYES, plus the basics of foundation and blush work just fine.
-Fancy pens
-Laptop, charger, earbuds, Blackberry, digital camera
-Gucci pumps. For kicking the peasants.

Off to pack.

cons, no good will come of this

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