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I’m feeling brain-scraped and wrung out, and we know what that means: Dreaded Burnout is imminent. Doom! No writing! Doom!
So I’m going to relax my wordcount strictures for today and go fill up on books and mindless TV. And ravioli. Mmmm.
Death Wish
New words: 2,913
Total words: 37,076
Dee: Slaps Vincent.
Vincent: Deserves to be slapped.
Ghosts spotted: Big Bad, little ghost girl, ghost cat, pieces of the alternate dead-side town
Research topics: Herbs to break hexes and wards
Random sampling of text: “Figure out what went wrong,” said Sylvester. “Ascribe reason to the dead. If anyone can, you can. And if you don’t, you’re gonna slide the rest of the way into that ditch you’ve already put a foot in. The one with plenty of lithium and a soft-walled room at the bottom.”
Other work: Nada.
Reading: Inside the Victorian Home
Viewing: Ugly Betty