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My hands smell strange. This is rather maddening. I’m about five minutes from going and dipping them into a vat of garlic to get this weird musty smell off. Even more troubling is the fact that I have no idea what I touched or brushed against to bestench them in the first place. At least my hair is safe…for now.
Also, I haz a graphic wordcounter:
Isn’t that pretty? Shiny web widgets make strange smells better…
Death Wish
New words: 3,141
Total words: 34,163
Dee: Tries and fails to stop something that could kill a lot of people. Boohoo.
Vincent: Sir Not Appearing In This Chapter
Ghosts spotted: Big Bad on video
Research topics: None
Random sampling of text: Dee walked away before he could figure out she didn’t belong, keeping her smile in place. Just like it was perfectly natural to be strolling around Laughton’s set. The first rule of any good shoplifter: Act like you aren’t doing shit wrong.
Other work: Signing setup, updated my event schedule
Reading: A Great and Terrible Beauty, Libba Bray
Viewing: Ugly Betty