Nov 05, 2007 01:28
New Words: 460, but I also wrote two summaries for proposed sequels to Street Magic
Total wordcount: 14,078
Mean Things: Insults, stuck in a crypt with creepy things
Darling: “Octavia. To what do I owe this pleasure, my flower?” His teeth were blacker than any rot would account for, filed, and they cut his tongue so blood dribbled from his mouth every few seconds, staining his chin and lip like a rusty pipe.
Embarrassing Fruedian typos: None.
Those wacky Victorians: They're not wacky tonight.
Research topics: Crypts and stuff under London.
Authorial angst: Nothing like having to pull a plot or three out of your head to put the book you're actually working on in perspective.
TV: DVR of Reaper and Pushing Daisies
Books: Ghosts in Baker Street (anthology), Soon I Will Be Invincible (Austin Grossman)
Stimulants: None.
Cats: Victor is asleep on the sofa. Today was a vacuum day, so they're recovering from trauma.
Real life: Scrubbed the living room floor with hardwood cleaner and other house parts with bleach...inhaled a lot of fumes. Mmm, fumes.
iron & ice,