Aug 08, 2008 14:02
I realized... well I kinda knew this one already that I really enjoyed looking through people's recycling containers. Not like rummaging or anything but just taking a small glance into the world of someone else. or looking into the windows of the quiet houses in quaint neighborhoods in the dark. or offices with the lights on late at night and seeing if you can see any people or what they are watching on TV or maybe a random chandelier that hangs from the ceiling.
maybe I really like psychadellic mushrooms that look so poisonous in this totally natural setting. Dangerous and daring, daring you to eat it.
On other things.
There are three things I wont forget
The night where i felt like it atll matters
the night where you were sleeping and you gave me the roadmap to our relationship
the way Im really holding my breath
the way im going to kick and scream and kiss someone because no one has kissed me like they meant it in a really long time, and that is one of the feelings that I think i like the best and not dealing with a flinch and a close my eyes and it will be over soon and a pull away and a turn of the cheek
and somehow Im still holding my breath
but that can't last forever can it?