Nov 29, 2007 01:12
today at work was the gross kind of boring where you work forever then check the clock and find out its only been 15 minutes. i think it's because i lent my laptop (and my music) to hron so that he could draft while he waited for me to finish working and we could playtest.
we tested a little. my controll deck performed suboptimally vs. sonic boom. in hindsight i might have won a larger percentage of the games than it seemed. we didn't really keep track. i was mulliganing a lot and a lot of draws didn't work out so well. it seemed like a lot of deck failure on both sides. there were a couple of my draws that seemed perfectly reasonable that just got rolled. so i guess my verdict is it's unfavorable.
then i got somehow cajoled into drafting LLL. i know! i know! i quit yesterday. im so weak. actually it was only because steve port was in town and it was mostly with people that it would be fun to just hang out with like steve, barry, richter and tflo. i ended up with a very odd faerie/giant deck with no thundercloud but an ashling the pilgrim and mirror entity. you see, once you don't care about mtg anymore you start opening bomb rares every time. i 2-1ed after having some mana problems against barry's nice looking elemental deck that he wasn't happy with for some reason. it was pretty fun. tflo and i only have horrendous matches of magic. at least one of us always seems to be screwed every game. i hosed him 2-1 this time.
then we went to quinton's which continues to totally disappoint me as a bar to hang out at. i don't get at all why severa and co. seem to love it so much. zee met up with me before i went over so that was cool.
no spider-man and no video games tonight. but it was a reasonably fun night. maybe i won't become a shut-in after all.