May 10, 2005 18:31
You make it all seemed answers lj, lol.
I don't know why i havn't updated in forever, I know theres something I need to be doing, I just don't remeber.
Well anyways, life as is... I had my birthday
then the birthday party, slash, comfirmation party.... two things on the agenda I'm glade have coem an gone... I hate whent hings come and go sometimes though...
Like if you waste to much time in bewteen these things, it seems like the next thing isn't as satisfying.... if you know what I mean?
Good day today.Period.
I don't know exactly where to start, maybe the begining, that would be alright.
Sci- Very hectic, didn't mind though cause I got to basically work alone the entire class, and I like to work alone sometimes, I work really good alone for some reason... I don't like being alone though, so luckily...
art- came next. art, i felt weird cause like tammy was all groggy and she looked so like crappy, no offence lol, just I realized how pieced together i can be... sometimes. Like pieced together, meaning, I know reality... i know some real life things, and I know some school stuff, I'm not dumb, I can analyze things for myself most of the time.. I mean everyone has there flaws, I can't figure out a couple things Ive done, but I feel like I finally climbed over a hill that I couldn't climb over before... like I didn't do it one sudden dday where everything just made sense, I don't even know if it happened, it just feels that way, I feel... evolved, in away.
I definitely have tuns of learning to do in my young little life, but ive made it to the like 20% way mark lol.
Ive been trying to like think of things, without thinking about them too much and getting paranoid.... its so hard to break that habit, but I let myself loose today and so far i had a great day... I know that right now I'm think "Usually when I have a great day, night time ain't to great" but instead now, I'm atleast trying not to expect it and take it piece at a time.
Thats the word of the day... piece, eveyrthing happens in pieces, some pieces are just bigger than others.
Anatomy- SNOR! lol, nothing happened in anatomy, I tried to figure people out liek always lol, I'm so weird I can just see them all they aalll have there own little anatomys, their brain and arms and feet, and they use their brains and feet and arms in different ways each day... some ruin them by smoking, some improve them by getting out and doing stuff, some just have them and don't doi anything to them,...
Some people are tanner than others, some taller, skinner, better looking...
better looking can go alot of ways though, eveyrthing can go alot of ways, I just sit there, tryign to look at it as many ways as possible, and before I know it, I just missed about a white board load of notes that I didn't write down cuase I was derfing out lol.
But I realized, everytime I look at it one way, a new way will outpower it, and it just cycles, so I think, in away, just looking at thigns in your own way is the best way to look at things, it dons't have to make any sense, as long as you understand... I believe you can change your ways though, just as long as you now in your head, what your talking about, don't matter if the whoel world does too. I could bridge off of this in as many different directions as with peoples perspectives, but I'm not cause my brain is starting to collide with itself lol.
Alg- my stomach was makign noises, lol
lunch- I ate... food
French- I sorta realized that mr. l's class is like a currents events class, I learn everything from that class, except french lol, but thats why we've got that book which works just as good.
history- I was late because people don't know how to walk in that hallways, I think I honestly almost ran into 20 people just trying to get from room 201 to mr. perrins room.
English- Mr, marcucci made the quiz I was so gosh darned worried about, to be for tommorow, we finished the hiroshima video, it was very broing, I thought the explotion would be bigger, well i guess it was, but it just seemd like a dot on the t.v.... not that I encourage big explotions lol, its just i was osrta waiting for it the entire video after watching hhours of people speaking in japanese, and they show this like big ass flash of like and this little puffy cloud thing... oh well, I owuldn't been better of having no bombs/ war at all, but by god if your gunna blow something up atleast make it as spectacular as fireworks, they shoulda stuck some fire works in there, it woulda been prtty cool looking, I dunno, I'm starting to sound a bit scary now lol, so yea
thats about it...
honk honk if yanno what i mean?
I'll try and update again sometime, follow the "don't forget about lj, petition." lol
not and actual thing btw, just yea w.e, im out lol