(no subject)

Mar 25, 2007 20:11

I've been thinking a whole lot today. about everything.
It's like I can't stop my brain from moving, no matter what.
I've been seeing different sides of everything and everyone.
I don't know if I like it though, it's wierd
like I keep seeing the flaws in people. I don't know
Last night I got my old phones out and I was looking
and there were two texts that I found that I had saved.
The first one was probly one of the most hurtful texts
I had gotten from this summer. I know I've been ranting
but it was from Evan. He told me that none of my relationships
ever meant anything more than sex... just that someone would say that
the most meaningful relationship I ever had was with Kailan
and nothing ever happened between us. everything was slow
and the fact that someone would say something like that
it's pretty much like he called me a whore...
should I be sad I'm losing that?
I hate change, and I hate losing people
but what's going to happen when I go to college?
I know I'm going to lose touch with a lot of people.
There are few people that stay with you forever in life
and I don't think that any guy I've met is going
to stay with me throughout my entire life,
exceot for maybe Justin, but that's mainly cause
he's been there my entire life for me, and I don't see that
changing anytime soon. atleast I hope.
I found another text message in my phone too
it was from the very first day me and Matt started dating
and he was talking about how he had these strong feelings for me.
I don't know why but I couldn't stop looking at that.
I think I'm ready for college. I think no matter what
I'll be terrified to leave, but I'm also so excited
I know it's what I need, to get out there
and meet new people, and make new friends.
I think I'm going to change things, for the better.
I think atleast. I'm just going to chill
and stop taking things so seriously.
I'm going to live for the moment and stop wasting tears.
I don't want people to be protecting me though
I don't want people looking out for me
and telling me I'm going to get hurt.
I know some things I do may be stupid
and I know a lot of the time I'm going to get hurt
but in the end I think everything will be worth it.
I'm still in high school. the people I meet
and the things that I do will be what I learn from
once I mive on to college. I think then I will wake up
pretty much. I'll realized that everything that I though mattered
really doesn't at all. I know that eventually
everything is going to be ok.

And in case you were wondering, you are like a sunset to me
You're all kinds of beautiful as you end my day
And you sweetly retire as the stars chase you away

And in case you were wondering, you are like a hurricane to me
Your violence is beautiful, and your center sweet
Now tell me this, do you know how we'd meet?

And in case you were wondering, you are everything to me

new favorite song. new favorite lyrics.
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