Dec 01, 2008 07:14
On Election Day, Prop 8 and two other similar bans on same sex marriage passed. What happened? Gays protested. How did they protest? They held "protests" in the streets with shirtless boys, techno music, and speeches from people affected by the civil rights movements & civil rights leaders.
Does this not sound like a gay pride event? Yeah, that's probably why shit ain't bein' done. Anyone remember Stonewall? June 28th, 1969 anyone? Cops getting their faces busted? Trannies throwing trashcans? Queens filling the streets with rage and punk fueled hate?
Yeah, that's how shit is done. I think it would be wise for gays to stop calling a party a protest. I think protests should limit the shirtless boy demographic to zero unless they are shirtless because their shirt was ripped off during an act of violence against an authority figure or fucked up conservative. Yeah, the sissies should rip shit up and take names later... similar to internet hook-ups.
I'm just saying... I would be more likely to take part in a protest if I knew I was going to break something while protesting. I'm not one to be surrounded by a bunch of queens dancing to club music while shouting "I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it!" or any other fucked up old as gay saying.
I want to be part of a protesting group that yells "I'm here, I'm queer, I'm pissed and I'm going to fuck your town up unless you fucking give me what I am rightfully due, bitch!" That seems better. It just seems more effective.