As always, I encourage a vote for those who fight for our country... and those who support our economy by spending copious amounts of money on worthless plastic crap. It's a proven economic success.
Also, who needs a right to get married? I mean seriously, if the homosexuals can get married, what keeps a brother and sister from getting married... or even worse, a Republican and a Communist, or a Democrat and a Socialist... or worse than that... a black man and a white woman?
I am a maverick. Not only can I see Ohio from my house, but I talk to God daily. He tells me reform lies not within Washington, but within my own head. He talks to me a lot. We're tight...
Also, speaking of reform, what is that anyway? You'd think this country has been divided by two parties solely for like, a hundred years or something? Didn't there used to be like, all sorts of parties? I remember going to tons of them. It was fucking awesome.
Oh yeah, Arabs, I forgot about Arabs. What do they do? I mean, we can kill them in the midst of their lives and stuff and it's cool. Especially when you're the one pushing the buttons. I mean, this game on my 360 is so cool, it's like I'm really killing Arabs all day long and being completely idle at the same time. They were at the foot of my bed with knives I promise. They broke and entered into my country. This is America... learn to talk english.
Oh yeah again, education. Huh?
Also, in order to reduce global warming, I've turned my refrigerator all the way up along with a few window unit air conditioners and set them outside on my patio. I think if we all get this winter cold enough, it will take a long time for summer to get here and that way, the globe won't be so warm and shit.
Plus smog... I forgot smog... I think if we all just start smoking indoors and outdoors, it will be just really cool smoke and no smog. It would be all hazy and shit. That would be really fucking cool because Los Angeles would look like a hookah bowl lit up and everyone could have a mellow buzz all the time. Let's get the earth high bitches... maybe she'll put out if we do.
Speaking of putting out, I'm really tired of people being racist against foreign oil too. Just because it's a different price doesn't mean it's any worse or better than domestic oil. Vote no on Prop. 193,309,234 and tell the world that you think it's o.k. for foreign oil to marry foreign ethanol.
Speaking of foreign oil and all that shit, don't forget to abstain from putting your vagina or penis on/in things that they were made to put on/in. I mean, I know you're animals and you wanna fuck like one but really, the only way to cure AIDS and abortion is to not have sex. So stop fucking. I know fucking is free and the economy is so good you want to keep all your moneys but seriously, fucking to pass the time isn't the way (see that whole killing Arabs things, that's a fucking past time right there).
So yeah, TV. I can't afford to be on TV because like, Obama and McCain has all my money locked away to keep the terrorists out of Fort Knox. I think it's a good investment. They've kept my barely above minimum wage earnings with a 0.0356% interest rate for the next 10 years. They said it was a really good CD that I could retire to. I usually retire to Bob Marley when I pass out on my sofa fucked up but hey, I trust 'em.
But since I can't be on TV, I encourage everyone to vote for hope. Vote for progress. Vote Democratic and let's kill a bunch of people the nice way, by letting them live to be really fucking old with some awesome fucking health care programs.
Vote for a maverick and a head turner
I'm Keith Rose and I approve this message.