Good times

Aug 08, 2009 20:40

So yesterday I went back to Modesto and picked up kid #1 again. She just really didn't want to be there. She'e essentially a homebody and while staying with my parents feels like an extension of home, she's not quite as comfortable with the ex's mom. Kid #2 is still there and will be until Wednesday, she's having a great time biking all over town with grandma's husband (grandma had hip surgery a coupld of weeks ago, no biking for her), hanging uot with the dogs Tucker and Trixie and shopping. The mil usually buy school clothes for the girls when they visit, they can afford it, and she loves to shop.

So anyway, we got home yesterday afternoon, she settled back into the home routine immediately and is all good now. We got up early this morning and headed to Kohl's, they had an awesome sale going on and no sales tax this weekend. So, big bonus. I ended up spending just over $100 there and saving $125, but could find no jeans whatsoever. The sizing there was crap. The girls jeans were way too small, and the juniors jeans far too long. She tried on the "short" ones, but they ended up not fitting in the butt and waist regardless of the cut or size. So then we headed to Old Navy and picked up 3 pair of jeans and some capris, she already has some khakis and black pants, so thatw as all she really needed. After Old Navy we stopped by MasterCuts and between myself and the hairdresser we talked her into cutting her hair to just below her shoulders. It looks much better and will be easier to brush. Then we had lunch in the food court and headed back to Anderson to the Outlet mall. Our first stop there was the Gap where she picked up a hoody (she doesn't wear jackets or coats if she can help it), then to the Hanes outlet where she had a bra fitting (my 13 year old is a 34C for fuck's sake), we picked up 3 new bras: black, white and nude, and new undies. After that we were off to the Vans outlet where she got two new pair of slip-ons, then to Factory Brand Footwear where she got a pair of Sketcher gym shoes. We are done school shopping. When we were done with that we went to the Marble Slab Creamery where I had birthday cake flavored ice cream with cookie dough and Serra had fusge with peanut butter cups, then we went to see Up. All in all it was a fucking awesome day.

Since we've been home we've just been doing some random cleaning. She took out the trash, I did the dishes. Together we tidied the living room and transferred my files from the old desk into the new file cabinet. Tomorrow I'll need to vacuum and then start on the upstairs. While Emma is gone we plan to clean the hell out of their room and dispose of stuff that they don't need to make room for stuff that they do need and currently have no room for.

I'm tired.

kid, other stuff, shopping

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