Book the fourth!

Jan 14, 2019 09:28

Nobody Rides For Free (Angus Green, #2) by Neil S. Plakcy

Well, this one was a terrible deception.

First, WTF? at the end of the last book, Angus had been shot, and the only consequence was a broken rib, and the next day, he was working again in his case. And trying to get somewhere with Lester. When this begins you don't know well what happens: he seems to have been hurt a lot worse, the bullet to his chest had travelled to his stomach... or maybe he got shot twice? And he is so traumatized by the shooting that he drop Lester like a hot iron and apparently has hidden in his house for a time. Yes, it could have been delayed trauma, but the author never explains these discrepancies.

Second, it falls in the trap that some books in a series fall: it repeats a lot of the stuff from the first book, and it does in a very annoying way, repeating almost verbatim the stuff we already know instead of doing it organically.

The secondary characters are shallow and one-dimensional, Angus sounds almost preachy all the time and the romance? well as you can note I didn't tag this as a romance because what we have here is flat, with no spark and, sorry, boring.

Add to that that Angus, all by himself and with no help at all, manages to connect various cases to his, only using Google to discover the connections and you have to conclude that the PD in Florida and the rest of the FBI are all morons who can't use a computer. At all.

I might read the third book in this series someday, but no soon. This really let me down :/

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