
Apr 09, 2010 08:13

Yup, I'm definitely a glutton for punishment!  I have so much to do this weekend, but it's the 24-hour read-a-thon tomorrow!  How could I resist?  So, yeah, I'm doing it.  That means I've got to actually get a TON of work done today, and get some serious sleep this evening/tonight.  You can find info about the read-a-thon here

Today's goals:  print and read comments on the prospectus (I've done this for 2 of 3 commenters)
make a plan to institute changes in prospectus (again, already done for 2 of 3)
make the quick changes
read and annotate at least 5 articles for the GROUPS list
write my "morning pages"
update my CV for portfolio due 4/15
write a cover letter for said portfolio
gather books and snacks for tomorrow
tidy up my room and office so that I'll have plenty of lovely reading space

Books for tomorrow:  (these are just the ones on-hand; I know I won't finish them all)
Waugh - Brideshead Revisited (finish)
Hillis - Orchids on Your Budget (finish)
Hillis - Corned Beef and Caviar
Spark - The Finishing School
Stewart - This Rough Magic
Seton - Dragonwyck
Westbrook - Moneypenny Diaries:  Secret Servant
Westbrook - Moneypenny Diaries:  Final Fling

Snackage:  carrots and dip
cheese and crackers
LOTS of hot tea
whatever fruit is on sale
probably mac and cheese for lunch or dinner

7 pm...just got back from picnic in the park with housemate.  She drove (and I read).  We had yummy fruit and brie and crackers and eggs and pickles.  Om nom nom.  Finished Moneypenny Diaries:  Secret Servant and Orchids on Your Budget and am on to This Rough Magic

10.45 Sunday:  Well, I think that was a success.  For my first ever read-a-thon, I managed 2 complete books and about 350 pages of finishing up or starting.  I went for 21 hours and had a great time!

challenges, food, books

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