Typically British

Apr 07, 2010 19:18

I've just joined Book Chick City's "Typically British Reading Challenge".

You're welcome to join too!

For most of my f-list, this should be easy-peasy!

Here are the rules as established by Book Chick City

Timeline: 1st Jan 2010~ 31st Dec 2010. Only books started on January 1st count towards this challenge.


1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.

2. There are four levels:

• "Put The Kettle On" - Read 2 Typically British novels.
 • "Gordon Bennett" - Read 4 Typically British novels.
 • "Bob's Your Uncle" - Read 6 Typically British novels.
 • "Cream Crackered" - Read 8 Typically British novels.

3. Any book format counts. Must be fiction not non-fiction.

4. You don't have to select your books ahead of time, you can just add them as you go. Also if you do list them upfront then you can change them, nothing is set in stone!

5. The books you choose can crossover into other challenges.

6. If you decide to join this challenge be sure to create a post telling others, please make sure you add a link back to this post so others can join in.

7. There will be a place for you to link your reviews, but this is optional.

8. Obviously only British authors count!

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise--I'm going for "Cream Crackered"
My provisional list:
1.  Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh  (4/10/10)
2.  This Rough Magic by Mary Stewart  (4/10/10)
3.  The Finishing School by Muriel Spark
4.  The Third Man by Graham Greene
5.  Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel
6.  Angel Pavement by J.B. Priestly

challenges, books

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