Can I just say...

Feb 28, 2010 21:44

I love my boss.
I would trust her with my life.
I'm not sure how I ever got so lucky, but I thank the heavens.

Um, and now for something completely different...on the rule that three things make a post

2.  Query:  Do I have any Wiccan friends out there?  Do you know any spells for unblocking and motivation?

3.  Made a lovely crawfish etouffee last week.  I've been meaning to post about it, but haven't gotten my act together.  I used my step-mom's basic recipe, but next time I make it, I think I'll cut WAY back on the bell pepper, simply because they don't agree with me.  Also, next time I'll probably use shrimp because they are a lot easier to get here than crawfish.

I meant to follow my usual M.O. of taking pictures of the process, but apparently, I was a bit scattered :D  (surprise, surprise).  So this is the only piccie I ended up with

If anyone is interested, the recipe is under the cut.

Crawfish (or Shrimp) Etouffee

1 lb crawfish tails (with fat if possible) OR 1 lb shrimp meat (measure after they've been shelled--also, try to get the never-frozen type)
1 stick of butter
2 heaping tbsp flour (I used tapioca flour because my housemate is gluten intolerant, and it worked fine)
1 medium onion, chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped (I'll probably cut WAY back on this and use more onion and celery)
2 or 3 stalks celery, minced
1 or 2 cloves garlic, minced
20-30 oz chicken or vegetable broth (ready for use kind, not concentrated) depending on how thick you want the gravy...I like it thicker
2 teaspoons tomato paste or some Rotel tomatoes (optional)
bay leaf
Tony Chachere's or other Cajun seasoning
fresh chopped Italian parsley
chopped green onions
Rice for serving

Melt 1 stick of butter in a (preferably) cast iron skillet on medium-high heat.  Add the onion, bell pepper, celery, and garlic and stir.  Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes.  Add 2 slightly heaping tablespoons flour and whisk together cooking for about a minute.  [side note:  this is an interesting take on the order of ingredients and I like it.  Most Cajun recipies begin with "first you make a roux", but in my stepmom's recipe the veggies are cooked in the butter before the flour is put in.  I like it because coloring a roux can be tricky and because the veggies get all yummy in the butter].  Turn the heat up a little and slowly add the chicken (or vegetable) broth, more or less depending on how thick you want the gravy...this will cook down a bit.  Bring to a boil, then turn down to low.  Add 1 bay leaf and some Cajun seasoning like Tony Chacheres.  Let it simmer for 10 minutes or so.  Taste and add more seasoning if needed.  If you want to add the tomato paste or Rotel tomatoes, this is the place to do it.  Add 1 lb. of crawfish tails OR shrimp meat coarsely chopped.  Simmer another 10 minutes or so.  Add fresh chopped Italian parsley and chopped green onions and serve over rice with hot garlic bread.

Yummy, yummy

food, school

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