Dec 11, 2007 23:36
That's right everyone, it's back again. That miserable, crazy, stressful period of 4 days that we all despise. Today was Reading Day 1. I mostly wasted it. I went to the library and copied the biochem study guides, read through them all, and made a list of questions for tomorrow's review session. I also read through about half of my pchem notes. But I slept late, and hung out with my friends for the vast majority of the day. I must be more productive tomorrow, which is Reading Day 2. I have my biochem review session in the morning, then a meeting with the Dean at noon. (She's starting a book club, I'm kind of excited.) French review session in the afternoon, which I might not go to if I can go see G. Grandma instead. (She's still in the hospital.) I have to really crank up the studying since I have my pchem final first thing in the morning on Thursday, and French that afternoon. Then there's biochem and experimental biochem on Friday. The only test that worries me is biochem. I hope the review session helps me. I still haven't figured out how to study for that class. There's an extreme lack of correlation between the notes, lectures, and exam questions. I have my experimental final on Friday too, but that one shouldn't be bad. It's just questions about lab procedure, and since I've spent the entire semester doing this lab, I should know it all. Then I get to go home. I cannot wait to sleep in my bed. And see the cats, and the chinchillas, and Angus! I miss my guinea pig... I'll be very happy when he comes to live with me and Geoff. And now I am very sleepy. So I'm going to go to bed. So long!