I signed up for
festivids for the first time! What could possibly go wrong! ;)
If you, dear festividder, already have an idea in mind? Stop reading now and go with it! If you would like some pointers? Do go on reading.
I've never participated in a challenge like this before (what could possibly go wrong!), so I've also never had to write a "Dear ..." letter. I've had a look around and I guess reposting what you put in your signup form is a thing. So this is me doing that:
Fandom: Arrested Development [TV]
Music: I can't imagine anything that isn't bouncy or upbeat for this, but feel free to prove me wrong if you have anything else in mind :D
Details: If you're saying I play favorites, you're wrong. I love all characters equally. [Earlier that day] I really, really love Michael.
But for reals: no matter if you want to vid a specific storyline or a character or a pairing (however cracky or incest-y) or the ensemble, I will be ridiculously happy with the result.
Fandom: Hackers [Movie]
Music: haha, if you go with awful (or awesome!) techno music, you can't go wrong. But there's so much that could work, just go with whatever you think is best.
Details: Be loud! Be cheesy! Be ridiculous! Just like the movie!
Fandom: Homeland [TV]
Details: Any Homeland vid will be an *amazing* Homeland vid. In case you want anything more specific: I really, really love Brody. I adore Dana. I am fascinated by Nick and Dana's relationship. But Carrie is the best female character I've seen in a long while and I'm equally fascinated by her and Saul's relationship. And if you are thinking about doing a Brody/Carrie vid? Go for it! ...I'm beginning to think that this is maybe not exactly helpful. ;)
Fandom: Portal series [Web, Game, Commercial]
Details: Wheatley! Wheatley is my king! But Atlas and P-Body are so adorable. And Chell will forever be the most badassest lady who has ever badassed. I wish there was a way to make a GLaDOS vid. I think it's not helpful when I just keep saying "everyone is my favorite."
Fandom: The Royal Tenenbaums [Movie]
Details: I love Chas so much. Make a Chas vid and I will live in eternal grattitude. But, you know: Make any other vid and I will live in live-long grattitude. ;)
Fandom: Sports Night [TV]
Details: Dan Rydell is one of my favorite TV characters of all times. And I'm shipping Dan/Casey like whoa. But don't let that stop you from focusing on something/someone else, if that's what you'd prefer.
Fandom: Whitechapel [TV]
Details: Angst! Angst! Angst! Beautiful, heart-breaking Chandler angst! Feel free to throw some Chandler/Kent in there! Feel encouraged to break my heart!
There you go.
Then, apparently you say general things about your likes and dislikes:
You can see that I left the Music field empty in most cases, that's because I want you to choose music that you think fits and that you like. You will have to listen to it often enough, after all. ;) If, however, you want to tailor this vid to my taste in music - well. Check out the
music is love tag in this journal, or have a look at
my last.fm page. You will see that 1) our taste in music most likely doesn't match up and 2) that my favorite artists often don't make for good vidding material. Vids will make me happily listen to the fluffiest pop or the most pompous power ballads, so go with whatever.
The vid can be gen, can be het, can be slash. I'm cool with all of that. If you want to do something shippy, go with whatever pairing you want, even if I haven't specifically mentioned it. But if I've mentioned a specific pairing, then you can expect that to be my OTP, maybe try to not break that up, except if you're sure that I can handle it. ;)
That's done. Then one ends with encouraging cheer and a laissez-faire attitude:
Can't think of anything else. I'm sure whatever you create will make me ridiculously happy. So please just have fun.
Yay, festivids! \o/ (What could possibly go wrong.)
This entry was originally posted at
http://bingeling.dreamwidth.org/518140.html. Please comment there using OpenID. (
comments so far)