(no subject)

Nov 03, 2012 17:34

This thing where it gets dark early in winter? It's really inconvenient. Each day I'm thinking "Oh it's getting dark, I should go to bed soon." and then I check the time and it's 4 pm. But I'm still feeling like it's 10 pm. So I keep idling and simply wait for it to be a time where I can actually go to bed and in the process of this don't get anything done.

This post sponsored by the time 5:30 pm and me cuddled in a blanket, ready to call it a day.

Just a few minutes ago I was thinking "I have to remember to do laundry tomorrow, it's too late to do now." It's 5:30! That's not too late! And I only just realized this. So if you excuse me for a moment, I will do laundry now. That's my body told!

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